At Effective Benefit Solutions (EBS) we recognize that your organization, whether big or small, has a unique culture along with a unique group of employees. We will partner with you to understand this culture to truly grasp the needs and objectives of your organization. 

We understand your employee benefit and retirement programs are key pieces to your overall compensation package. They play a vital role in attracting and retaining your workforce. Our goal is to make sure you obtain the greatest value from your benefit and retirement programs, thereby promoting employee engagement and building a healthy and productive work environment.



If you are a small or medium size business looking to implement a benefit plan for the first time, the task can seem overwhelming – but it shouldn’t be. Effective Benefit Solutions will keep the process simple, tailored and within your budget.

EBS will:

  • Assess your organization’s culture
  • Identify your exposure to risk and potential liabilities
  • Ensure that the benefit plan fits within your total rewards strategy
  • Create and structure a plan that suits your employee’s needs
  • Present you with several plan design options and appropriate funding models
  • Perform a market survey amongst various carriers and suppliers within the group insurance market
  • Provide final plan design and supplier recommendations
  • Help implement the plan with your new benefits provider
  • Appropriately communicate the plan to your employees
  • Train your benefit plan administrators on correct administrative practices


At EBS, we believe in a team approach. As your benefits partner, we will advocate for you with your providers. Your best interests come first. We will support your HR and Benefits personnel to assure that billing, administration and online tools with your respective carrier are running efficiently. Also, we will help with escalated claim situations, complex coverage inquiries or any other scenarios that require our assistance. Naturally, we will be your resource and support team for any benefits and pension-related questions.


Using the appropriate communication methods with your employee workforce is key to ensuring your staff remains engaged. The same concept holds true when communicating your employee benefits plan. Employees need to be informed of their plan’s great features, but also be made aware of their accountability towards the plan. To achieve this, we use the communication tools that best suits your organization. Education sessions, annual benefit statements and social media updates are some ways that EBS keeps employees informed on the status of their benefits, cost accountability and health care changes.


For your benefit plan to be sustainable over an extended period, we must manage the costs you are incurring from your provider. To achieve this EBS will:

  • Monitor your plan on an ongoing basis
  • Analyze and negotiate your renewal
  • Validate that your funding arrangement always suits your organization’s risk profile
  • Provide cost-saving alternatives as required
  • Periodically perform a market survey


Providing you with quarterly claims experience and utilization will keep you informed on the health-related trends occurring within your organization. We will sit down with you in advance of your annual renewal and provide a pricing projection. This will allow us to be prepared for the renewal from your respective carrier. From here we will strategize and plan out any adjustments or market options that we should consider. Additionally, we will regularly inform you on industry and benefit-affiliated legislation and news.


As Canadians, we live in an environment where our cost of living is constantly rising, and our disposable income is shrinking. Group retirement plans play an essential role in providing employees an efficient means to save for retirement. At EBS, we will evaluate your current situation and work with you to choose a retirement option that meets your corporate values. We will then perform a benchmarking exercise and select the suitable provider. Retirement education goes hand in hand with benefit education, as employees should be able to understand how to prepare for retirement and how investments function in today’s markets.

From an ongoing standpoint EBS will:

  • Bring together the appropriate tools and platforms to increase the financial education for your workforce
  • Monitor and measure the performance of your investments
  • Ensure you are meeting fiduciary requirements

Implementing a group retirement program will help in creating financial wellness for your employees at retirement – a mechanism that will be invaluable in their lifetime.

Toronto, Ontario - Email: info@effectivebenefits.ca